The Lord of the Rings is familiar to us all. Some of us may have seen the trilogy twice. As we clearly cannot get enough of it, there are also video games available to relive the story and explore...
Video games have been an integral part of most of our childhoods. One of the happiest moments of those days was playing our favorite video games with our friends during our leisure time. Many popular games of those days were...
Fable is a video game that features the butterfly effect; each choice you make in the game has consequences, and they can change the world of the game forever.From its original version launched in 2004, it has aged well...
Professional wrestling is huge entertainment. It, therefore, comes as no surprise to have a game dedicated to this great sport. WWF War Zone is a professional wrestling video game that was created by Iguana West. It was released in 1998...
Armored Core 4 is a third-person-shooter video game that was launched in 2006 by FromSoftware Company. It was designed for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. This is the 12th entry into the Armored Core series of games, and it...
It’s been more than a decade since any good X-Men games have hit the market! Yet, back in the days, they were very popular and those early gaming experiences are hard to forget, leaving players waiting for their favorite...
Diablo 3 and Torchlight 2 came out in 2012, but it was meant to be rough for the latter as it was going up against the king of the genre. Torchlight 2 – as it earned a dedicated fanbase...
Glory of Heracles is a role-playing video game published for the Nintendo DS. This game follows the adventures of a nameless hero who is immortal. In the game, he leads an enigmatic quintet of humans and immortals on a...
If you are an avid video game enthusiast, then you must have played Mario Kart at least once with your gamer friends. Even if you are not into video games, you must have come across the catchy Mario Kart...
Star Trek is one of the longest-running science-fiction franchises in the history of American cinema. Dreamed up by writer, and former Air Force pilot, Gene Roddenbury, Star Trek began it's life as a humanistic sci-fi TV show on September...