A Guide to Some of the Best Multiplayer Phone Games

Who can testify that the video game bug has never bitten them? Is there anyone that would say they have never played a video game at least once in their lifetime? If you are there, then you are ‘unique’.

Video games are viral regardless of age, gender and class. Multiplayer games make the gaming experience even more fun. These are games that have several people shooting, racing or running in the game, depending on the genre of the game.


The best multiplayer games will come in different varieties for your choosing. Ranging from racing to shooting multiplayer games, be ready for a gaming experience on-the-go. Let’s learn about the best of these games below.

A Guide to Some of the Best Multiplayer Phone Games
Image Source: The Verge

Mario Kart Tour

The same way Call of Duty: Mobile is to Call of Duty, so is Mario Kart Tour to Mario Kart. When people thought it would be next to impossible to port Mario Kart multiplayer to mobile, they were proved wrong. This game has all the features its predecessors had like a plethora of vehicles, all the characters that you love and loads of crazy tracks you can use to challenge your friends.

You can stay up to date with all the tour’s latest developments using the Mario Kart Tour challenges guide. The best thing is that the game is entirely free to play.  You can enjoy this game with friends or family for free and on-the-go.


Call of Duty: Mobile

This game brings the classic Call of Duty experience to the platform with gunning, running, and an innovative auto-fire system to make the game more compatible on your phone. It is no wonder that the Call of Duty: Mobile won the Mobile Game of the Year Award in 2019.

This game is popular on all the different platforms. If you are one that fancies sneaky tactics in an action-packed match, then you might want to give this game a try.


Hearthstone is probably one of the best card-battler games on mobile. You can build a deck with creatures and characters from the Warcraft universe. You will play with the units using a mana system as well as creating synergies that will defeat your opponents.


Your goal is to protect your hero from being attacked. The Hearthstone game features Battlegrounds which is an auto chess-inspired mode where you have to compete with eight other players.

PUBG Mobile

Many people loved PUBG on PC because of its hilarious glitches and bugs; the mobile version is even better. It is well put together maximizing the classic battle royale experience for all gamers. The game is regularly updated with new guns and vehicles.

Pokemon Go

A multiplayer game list cannot be complete without Pokemon Go. In this game, you will search for your favorite Pokémon, train them and fight for control of the local gyms to catch them all. This game offers you a great way to get out into the real world and meet with other people.

Now that you can play the game on-the-go on your mobile, there is no excuse of you not to have an incredible multiplayer experience and become a Pokémon pro.

A Guide to Some of the Best Multiplayer Phone Games
Image Source: Games Radar


Probably the most excellent news in the gamer’s world was when the one and only Fortnite became available on mobile. It comes complete with shed-load of guns, elaborate cosmetics, and more dance emotes than you can exhaust or master in life.

Whether you love battle royale or not you should know that Fortnite is free to play and will offer you a great shooter experience, various players to battle against and of course loads of fun that comes with playing the game.

Also Read: Discover the Most Played Mobile Games in the World

Conclusive Remark

There are various multiplayer games available on mobile platforms. Whether you love the racing experience, augmented reality, shooter, sci-fi, deck builders, action or any other genre of game, you will be sorted on mobile. Moreover, some of these mobile games are free to play or cost you a fraction of what they would cost on PC or consoles.